Children's Book Author Drew Daywalt's Treasure Art Hunt!

My favorite children's book author Drew Daywalt is so graciously posting a series of prints signed and numbered in limited editions in various towns/cities around schools, libraries, and Starbucks for children (or other like-minded individuals) to find and keep! They are adorable and funny just like the characters in his best selling award winning children's book The Day The Crayons Quit which is the number one requested book that the kids at the school in which I volunteer, ask me to read! If you are lucky enough to be able to join in on the scavenger hunt you could have a print too! just follow Drew Daywalt on Facebook or Twitter and get out there fast because I'm always on the hunt! So far he has posted a Lost Dog in Oak Park, Ca., a Lost Cat in Brooklyn, NY, a Lost Remote in Pasadena, Ca. and tonight's Lost Chicken in Oak Park, Ca.! Good luck and see you out there!!!!!  While you are at it, pick up a copy of Drew's book and read it to your kids or your friend's kids....they will love you for it!!!!!